Kerith Bracknell Blog
Bracknell Site Updates
A LOT has been happening at our Bracknell site and there is more to come! Read more to find out all the updates and news.
Pilgrimage in Prayer - and Non-Identical Triplets
The inner longing of every human heart has always been for more of God. And for the last two thousand years, specifically for more of Jesus, by His Spirit. We’re simply continuing that heart cry in our era and in our communities.
Team News at Kerith Bracknell
Beccy and Ben Oliver have been interim site pastors since then, and that period was set to last until the end of February 2023. Well, we’re nearly there - so what’s happening next?!
Rule of Life Resources
What is a Rule of Life? It’s a set of rhythms that help us create space in our busy lives to become like Jesus and focus on His priorities for our lives.
TryAlpha this Wednesday
At Kerith we run Alpha courses termly and love meeting new people each term to chat about faith & life. It’s a no-pressure place to chat and hear a great talk (and eat together!)
Sundays at Kerith Bracknell – where next?
In Bracknell on Sundays, there are many things we’ve learned to appreciate about the “hill country” we’ve been around in recent years since
Want to grow your faith this term?
I often find that this time of year especially with Lent coming up is such a precious time to dig deeper into spiritual growth.
A Year Of Pilgrimage
Simon’s opening message to all our Kerith sites this year was one of pilgrimage - the idea of going on a journey, often away from what we’ve been doing before - to deepen our connection with God and partner with him on his mission.
The Kerith Christmas Experience - this Sunday
We (and the animals) are counting down to the second ever Kerith Christmas Experience in Bracknell!
What is God wanting to do through you this Christmas?
Regular blog readers will already know about Kerith Bracknell’s gatherings in the lead up to Christmas and New Year.
Happy Birthday to us ….
Happy 141st Birthday to us! What a legacy those first Christians have left for us to continue!
Christmas at Kerith - It’s ON!
Come and join in with all thats happening on our site this Christmas. There’s loads of fun to be had!
Autumn Gift Days & our General Giving Update
We’re well into our Autumn Term now: small groups are up and running; our “Next of Kin” relationship series has moved from the core skills onto some specifics on Marriage – Parenting – Singleness and Divorce.
Kerith Youth: Summer Sanctuary!
Summer Sanctuary is happening from Friday 29th July- Sunday 31st July and we're so expectant to see God move in the teenagers once again.
It’s Monique everyone!
“Hi everyone, my name's Monique, Kids Coordinator of our Bracknell site.”
Monthly Prayer Meetings
Our new rhythm for the year is to now have our Prayer Nights for the Bracknell site and One-Church alternating on the first Sunday of each month.
Production Call Out
We are training up new volunteers to control the media, graphics, and songwords that form a part of our Sunday meetings.
Sparklers Toddler Group
Our Sparklers Toddler Group has been running for more than 30 years and over that time, it’s gone through many changes, but the key thing that has always stayed the same is the passion to help families.