What is God wanting to do through you this Christmas?
Regular blog readers will already know about Kerith Bracknell’s gatherings in the lead up to Christmas and New Year. The full run down is now available on our website - click/tap on the image below to access dates & details for everything - and to get your tickets for the Christmas Experience on 11th December. You’ll also be able to read about our Ukraine Appeal, which is our nominated charity for our offerings throughout Christmas this year. Come to the Christmas Experience and you might even learn a little Ukrainian, too!
“So if God gave them the same gift he gave us who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I to think that I could stand in God’s way?”
Many of us are working hard as part of the teams to make our various Christmas events happen. This week I’ve also been challenged to slow down a bit, connect with Jesus in prayer and ask him how else he might want to use me this Christmas season. Who are the people I already share life with - those he’s put me in relationship with - that he wants to share his life with, too?
You may remember our “Share Life - Share Faith - Share Jesus” series earlier in the year where we were encouraged it’s really a lot less scary than we sometimes imagine to partner with God in what he is doing in someone’s life to bring them to know him. Our part might be letting people at work know that we’re going to church this Christmas. Or it could be a next step for them like an invitation to come along.
Acts 11 tells the account of Peter justifying his actions to his fellow leaders as to why he shared Jesus with an unexpected - in their view uninvited - group of people. The winning argument in the end is that God was clearly already at work in them, and so who did Peter think he was to block God, just because he wasn’t really sure if it was ok or not! You can read it in Acts 11:1-18.
Why not make some time to read that passage and slow down with Jesus to ask these questions this week. Then be alert to what the Holy Spirit is already doing and wants to do in and through you and your relationships this coming season…
PAUSE – Read the Acts 11:1-18 passage.
Where did you notice the Spirit at work in spreading the good news about Jesus? And what was Peter’s role by contrast?REJOICE – thank God that this is his mission to spread the good news and that we’re invited to be part of it.
ASK – Ask God to use you in the Christmas season in his mission and to bring to mind any in your relationships he might reach through you. Ask to be alert to what he is already doing.
YIELD – Check through the Christmas Events at Kerith Bracknell. Who in your friendships might benefit from an invite to any of these?
Pray for them and for your part in reaching them.
Is there anything else you sense the Spirit prompting you to do?
Prayer Meeting - Sunday 4th December, 7.30pm-8.30pm
Let’s Praying Together for what God wants to do
In order to prepare us for what God is going to do throughout the Christmas and New Year season, we’ve added an in-person prayer meeting at the Kerith Centre on the first Sunday evening of December.
Come to slow down, be with Jesus and his church, and listen for how he might want to use you in sharing the good news.