Kerith Bracknell Blog

Tuesday Prayer Theme: Breathing In (pt2)
Relationship with God, Beliefs, Kerith Bracknell Beccy Oliver Relationship with God, Beliefs, Kerith Bracknell Beccy Oliver

Tuesday Prayer Theme: Breathing In (pt2)

Today, as we continue "Breathing In" God's Presence, we focus on experiencing Him deeply within our church community—in small groups, Sunday gatherings, youth ministries, and beyond. Isaiah 41:10 reminds us, “Do not fear, for I am with you.”

Following the P.R.A.Y. framework (Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield), take time to quiet your heart, thank God for His Presence in our church, ask for greater awareness of His Spirit, and yield to His work in us and through us.

Action step: Encourage someone in your church community today—send a message, share a verse, or pray for them!

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Monday Prayer Theme: Breathing In (pt1)
Relationship with God, Beliefs, Kerith Bracknell Beccy Oliver Relationship with God, Beliefs, Kerith Bracknell Beccy Oliver

Monday Prayer Theme: Breathing In (pt1)

Today, we begin our week of prayer and fasting by “Breathing In”—seeking to encounter God’s Presence personally and as a church community. As Exodus 33:14 reminds us, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Following the P.R.A.Y. framework (Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield), take time to quiet your heart, rejoice in God’s Presence, ask for more of Him in your life, and yield to His transforming work.

Action step: Set reminders throughout your day to pause, breathe deeply, and rest in His Presence.

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