Monday Prayer Theme: Breathing In (pt1)

Breathing In – Encountering God’s Presence

Praying to experience God’s presence deeply in every aspect of our lives - personally, and as a church community

The LORD replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’

Exodus 33:14

Each day this week, we’ll follow the P.R.A.Y. acronym (PAUSE - REJOICE - ASK - YIELD) in our prayers:

P - Pause. Get comfortable. Filter out the distractions. Shut the door. Put down the phone (even if you’re using it to read this!) Breathe deeply. It’s time to pause in the Presence of God. He is ready to welcome you. You’re coming home. Aim for 2 minutes in silence, resting with Him, if you can.

Now, here’s a prayer from Revd Ted Loder you might like to use, too:

Now, O Lord,

calm me into a quietness

that heals and listens,

and molds my longings and passions,

my wounds and wonderings

into a more holy

and human shape.


(Taken from “Guerrillas of Grace”, Ted Loder)

R - Rejoice. Spend some time thanking God for His Presence.
Did you notice, in our Bible verse focus for today, “Presence” has a capital ‘P’? That means the NIVUK Bible translators agree the “Presence of God” is not a mere physical phenomenon, we’re not coming into contact with a magnetic forcefield or electrical charge, in other words! Although we may sometimes encounter physical sensations in God’s Presence, it’s important to remember, we’re encountering a personal being - specifically the third Person of the Trinity: God - the Holy Spirit. We’re spending time with Him, not just sensing an impersonal ‘energy’. Because He is a Person, the point of our ‘PRAY’ is growing our relationship with Him, not channeling a power zap!!

Spend some time thanking God for his Presence (Himself) with you, today. He personally promises to go with you, today, and to give you rest in Him, wherever the day takes you.

A- Ask. Ask for more of His Presence in your life.

It will take us all of our lives to practice becoming increasingly familiar and at home (at rest) in and with the Presence of God. Why not ask Him in your own words to help you feel more and more ‘at home’ with Him? And conversely, to feel more and more restless and ‘away from home’ without Him?

Y - Yield. Welcome the work of God to grow your capacity to “Breathe In” His Presence

Lord, I am weak, forgetful, easily distracted and have a tendency to be overly-busy. I’m not always mindful of nor open to your Presence with me. But I want to be. I don’t always even think to ask Your opinion or for Your help, but I know I need to. I want to want You, even if I forget to want You! Help me to become increasingly at home with You, longing for the rest You bring, whether I am out and about, or in my bedroom; working hard, or chilling in my PJs! Help me to breathe in! I welcome You and Your rest-giving work in my life. Amen

Action Today:

Put some reminders in your diary, or in your phone, or set some alarms. Can you pause to Breathe In God’s Presence at least two more times today?


Tuesday Prayer Theme: Breathing In (pt2)


Preparing for our prayer and fasting week…