Tuesday Prayer Theme: Breathing In (pt2)

Breathing In – Encountering God’s Presence

Praying to experience God’s presence deeply in every aspect of our lives - personally, and as a church community

So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10


And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you for ever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

John 14:16-17

We’re continuing to follow the P.R.A.Y. acronym (PAUSE - REJOICE - ASK - YIELD) in our prayers:

P - Pause. Get comfortable. Filter out the distractions. Shut the door. Put down the phone again! Breathe deeply. We’re practicing ‘Breathing In’ the Presence of God. He is looking forward to welcoming you - He never has an ‘off’ day! He always loves to be with you.

Aim for 2 minutes in silence, resting with Him, if you can.

Here’s another prayer from Revd Ted Loder you might like to use, too:

Eternal Friend,
grant me an ease
to breathe deeply of this moment,
this light, this miracle of now.
Beneath the din and the fury
of great movements
and harsh news
and urgent crises,
make me attentive still
to good news,
to small occasions,
and the grace of what is possible
for me to be, to do,
to give, to receive,
that I may miss neither my neighbour’s gift
nor my enemy’s need.


(Extract taken from “I Need to Breathe Deeply”, in “Guerrillas of Grace”, by Ted Loder)

R - Rejoice. Spend some time thanking God for His Presence with all of the groups and teams and settings you find yourself in our church community.

Jesus said of the Holy Spirit, “the world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him, nor knows him. But you know him…” The world (those who don’t know or acknowledge Jesus as Lord and King) don’t see nor know the Spirit of Jesus (God, the Holy Spirit). Thank God that his people do! We are so blessed to be called into relationships with others who see him and know him, too! What an encouragement we can receive from one another! How helpful in our spiritual journey to hear what God is doing in and through them! How insightful to hear others’ perceptions of what the Spirit of truth is doing in and through us - Thank you, Lord!

A- Ask. Ask for more awareness of His Presence in our church life; in our small groups; in our kids and youth groups; in our Sunday gatherings; in our Revive ministries and midweek gatherings; in the schools and prisons work we do; in any area of church life that comes to mind in His presence. He lives with us and will be in us, says Jesus. Let us live and serve in that awareness, Lord!

Y - Yield. Welcome the work of God to grow our capacity to “Breathe In” His Presence in your church groups and teams and meetings.

Lord Jesus, thank you for sending “another advocate” - your Holy Spirit, to help us and to be with us forever. We yield to his work in us and through us as a part of your church. May we increasingly know your empowering, accompanying Presence as we go, and may we overflow with joy as we see the fruit of the work You are doing with us and through us. Amen

Action Today:

Pick a team or group or setting within church where you serve, enjoy community or participate. Message them an encouragement. Maybe tell them you’re praying for them; perhaps you have a verse that’s come to mind you could share; maybe an idea has come to you for how you could Breathe in the Presence of God next time you’re together - share it!


Wednesday Prayer Theme: Breathing Out (pt1)


Monday Prayer Theme: Breathing In (pt1)