Kerith Families Blog
Families Take-over – It takes a whole church to raise a child
You may remember a few months ago our mainland sites had a Youth Take-over Sunday. Well in November it was the kids’ turn with a Families Take-over!
LIGHTBRINGERS: Freedom in Christ for Kids – prevention is better than cure
The Freedom in Christ Course has a proven track record of helping churches to help Christians become mature followers of Jesus. In the UK alone it’s been used by well over 200,000 people and has been run at Kerith for many years. It is an effective and powerful resource and now it’s available for children!
Portaloos, Shower queues and Holy Spirit encounters.
Wildfires was a place where God met, stretched, and inspired me - and transformation happened. My faith was deepened not only in the kid’s venue but also hanging out with the leaders as well as the Kerith family.
Thanksgivings at Kerith
This month our Farnborough Site pastor and Families Lead, Sonia Hopkin, reminds us of the vision behind Thanksgivings services at Kerith. What are they and why do we do them?
Rule of Life…for families!
So, as we begin this new series considering how we can set ourselves a Rule of Life, what does this mean for families?
Shine Bright!
With 95% of under-18s not in church, the task of reaching them is huge. But so too is the opportunity!