Worship and Picnic

On Sunday 25th July, we are planning on meeting together as a church family at Caroline House. At 1 pm, we will have a picnic together in the car park and then gathering inside the new building at 2.30 pm to worship and pray together.

Whilst work is going on to sort the electrics, input fire doors, and sort the drains, the building is currently in a very raw and unfinished condition, so it will require some adaptability from all of us! Bring a picnic, some picnic chairs to sit on, and water bottles (there is an outside tap with drinking water), and take all rubbish home as we don’t have any waste collection in place yet. Children are very welcome - we would ask that you keep an eye on them at all times to ensure they stay in the safe areas of the site. Parking is available on Invincible Road (we will be picnicking in the venue’s car park so will keep it free from cars!) and there is also a toilet available in the building.

It will be great to catch up, worship, and pray together after over a year of being dispersed.

See you there!


Our First In-Person Gathering


Kids Picnic