Wednesday: Breathing out

For our third short devotional of the week of Prayer and Fasting, one of our Kerith Youth Toby Bibb helps us to reflect on breathing out, and being a faithful presence in the world.

Focus verse: Deuteronomy 31:6  “The Lord  your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

The other night my mum said to me, “If you could have any super power, what would it be?” The one that came straight to my mind was the power to freeze time. Then she responded with, “Ok then if you could have any spiritual super power, what would it be?” After a long ponder I had the thought, what about the power to love people when it is hard to. What if I could love everyone whether it’s the teacher at school that I don’t like - or your colleague at work. Most people could list lots of people they love and also people they might not like as much. Well God loves all people. Yes, even that teacher or colleague. God loves all of them.  

In our verse for today we can see it says that God goes with us, he will never leave us. Wow! God will never leave us even through the hard times and the easy times. God will never leave you! There are over 8 billion people in this world but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords wants to be with you and he never wants to leave you, whether you are the person hard to love or you are the person that shows the love.  

When I was in Year 7 there were two boys that I would change next to in PE and they would always talk bad about me and would start using their ties to whip people around the changing rooms, me included. One day I was so fed up that I went home and told my parents. They told me “Ok then let’s pray for them.” Each night until my next PE lesson we would pray. When the day came I was so nervous to go in the changing room. The boys hooked their bags up next to me and left me alone and didn’t even talk about me. God helped me love them by praying for them. God loved them even when I couldn’t. He also loved me and wanted to answer my prayers. 

I know sometimes it can be hard to love everyone but God would love you to show love. As we breath out today we can breath out love, compassion and kindness just like God wants us to. Remember God will never leave you or forsake you. 

Questions for reflection: 

- If you could have any super power, what would it be, and why? 

- What people in your life might it be hard to love - and how can you show love to them? 


Thursday: sharing the love of God with our neighbours


Tuesday: the power of gathering in His name