Kerith Bracknell Blog

Preparing for our prayer and fasting week…
Relationship with God, Beliefs, Kerith Bracknell Beccy Oliver Relationship with God, Beliefs, Kerith Bracknell Beccy Oliver

Preparing for our prayer and fasting week…

From Monday 27th to Friday 31st January, we’ll be setting aside time to ‘Breathe In’ God’s Presence and ‘Breathe Out’ His love into the world. Through prayer and intentional living, we seek to encounter God deeply, see lives transformed, and pursue His justice in our communities.

This week, we also encourage you to consider fasting—whether it’s a meal, social media, or another sacrifice—as a way to draw closer to God. Not sure where to start? Check out our 24-7 Prayer resources, daily blogs, and guided prayer sessions to help you stay engaged.

Join us in seeking God in a fresh way—let’s expect transformation!

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