Lent Revival Devotionals
I know that many of us are living with a growing longing for and expectation of revival. For God to come and revive us as individuals, as the church, as a nation and then for that to spread to the nations.
To feed that desire I'm encouraging all of us to engage with a series of Lent devotionals which have been produced by the Wildfires team. Starting from Wednesday 26th February these give a morning and an evening reflection, based on a combination of the psalms and the journals of John Wesley.
They're available to buy for £3 from our sites on Sunday, you can order a copy from Wildfires and there's a free online version. I'll also be basing my prayercast around them for the 40 days of lent. We'll also use our next Kingdom Come night of prayer on the 22nd April to focus on praying for revival.