Half night of Prayer (and Day of Fasting) this Friday
This coming Friday (26th October) we’ve got our next Kingdom Come half night of prayer, running from 8pm until 2am on Saturday in the K2 building on our Bracknell site.
I realise that because it’s half term lots of people are away (and if you’re one of those I pray you have a brilliant time whatever you’re doing), but for all of us who are around I want to encourage us to make as much of the evening as we can, even if it’s just half an hour or an hour. Jesus makes it clear that the answers to our prayers depend not on how long we pray for, how many words we use, which particular words we use, or how many of us gather to pray, but on who we pray to. Come join me as we spend time with “Our Father who is in heaven” and see what He will do - what a privilege.
I also want to encourage you to join me in a day of fasting on Friday. I’m a big fan of food, but I know something powerful happens when we deny ourselves and place our spiritual desire above our natural desires, so if you’re able please join me in fasting for the day, whether you can make the half night of prayer or not.