Dear friends,

I hope you are reading this after enjoying some good weather! Lots to share today, so I'll get to it. (I'll put more about our Sunday gatherings at the end but if you want to sign up, head here).

Social Justice

We want to be known in our community for something more than Sundays, and we are getting there! Depending on restrictions, we are planning to launch CAP Life Skills on 13th September at Freshwater Methodist Church. We have a team in place, so please be praying that the right people will sign up and be blessed by this course. It runs for 8 weeks on Monday afternoons.

I saw recently that to run the CAP Money Course it only takes half a day of online training, so if you could help with that (or anything related to social justice) get in touch. Next year, I'd love to see us run a job club...


If you have any concerns about the COVID vaccine, or know someone that does, can I suggest looking at this page on the Kerith website? It has links to lots of helpful resources including a Q&A section.

My rather simple view is that in general I trust the scientific community. Every day I take medication for my asthma and acid reflux, every year I have a flu vaccine, I trust the medical professionals who sort this all out. I've had both of my COVID-19 jabs now, as I know many of you have, and I believe this is the best chance to get back to a new normal and keep vulnerable people safe.

If you are concerned do seek advice from a trusted source. I'm happy to speak to you from a faith perspective and I can point you to other places if you have questions on science.

Vision Night

For your diaries - there is a whole church vision night on Sunday 13th June, 7:30-8:30pm, on Zoom. We'll send out login details nearer the time.

Watch Parties

And finally, details of our next two watch parties :)

6th June - I'll be preaching live on the Day of Atonement, 17 signed up at the time of writing!

13th June - this is the final Sunday in our Feasts series, the feast of tabernacles. I'll be leading us in a time of reflection and prayer.

The events page is also a good place to keep up to date, just choose 'West Wight' from the drop down menu.

Have a great week and if you've read this far, I really appreciate that!

Blessings, Ben


Talking About Race and Vision Night


We’re a 3D Church!