Covid precautions update

Dear friends,

As we gather on Sundays our focus is encountering God together. Doing that in a way that keeps everyone safe is really important to us, so I wanted to update you on what we're doing in response to the latest Covid-19 variant and remind you of what we are continuing to do.

With any of this, please do get in touch if you have any concerns or questions. We can't respond to what we don't know.

Covid precautions - changes

With new guidance on mask wearing in some public spaces, we are going to encourage everyone who joins us on a Sunday morning to wear a mask while moving around the hall, unless you are exempt or under the age of 12.

Once you are seated, you can remove your mask. Where possible, please sit in your household/bubble, leaving empty seats to keep a safe distance from others (that's why the chairs are next to each other).

With refreshments please be as cautious as possible. If you are not worried, remember that others might be. Consider taking your drinks back to your seat and keep your mask on as much as possible while drinking/eating.

You are free to chat outside in the car park - let's keep as many spaces free as possible by leaving it for those with mobility issues.

Covid precautions - continuing 

As a reminder, please could you do the following to look after everyone:

  • Test yourself at least once a week using a free lateral flow test, even if you don't have any symptoms

  • If you have symptoms, book a PCR test and don't come until you have a negative result

  • Use hand gel as you enter the hall and before you get a drink

  • Wrap up warm - the windows will be staying open!

  • Give other people space - if someone steps back from you while you are talking, take the hint that they would like a bit more space :)

Let's keep praying and seeking God together. If any of this is making you fearful or anxious draw near to Jesus, make some time to pray and find community so we can do this together.

Blessings, Ben


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