Life Track

Fulfilled Life

Doing life well can be hard work. Even though we have a great ‘tool box’ in the wisdom of the Bible, we regularly come across situations and family events that need the wisdom of others who have gone before us. This track has some incredible courses to help us live a FULFILLED LIFE - loving others and ourselves well.

Marriage Course

Invest in Your Relationship (7 weeks): Designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. Online course available now.

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Pre-Marriage Course

Start Well (5 weeks): Designed for couples considering marriage and wishing to build a strong and lasting relationship.

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Parenting Children Course

Strengthen Your Family (5 weeks): Supporting parents and carers who want to invest in the relationship with their children.

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Parenting Teenagers Course

Strengthen Your Family (5 weeks): For parents, step-parents, prospective parents and carers of teenagers aged 11-18 years.

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The Bereavement Journey

Journey Together (6 weeks): For anyone who has been bereaved at any time and in any way. Guiding you through the most common aspects of grief.

Sign up for the February Course

Kintsugi Hope

Strengthen your emotional health (12 weeks): A Wellbeing Group where we will be sharing and exploring new topics each week including Honesty, Anxiety, Depression, Shame, Anger, Disappointment and Loss, Perfectionism, Forgiveness, Self-acceptance, Healthy Relationships and Resilience.

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CAP Money Course

Strengthen Your Finances (3 weeks): A free course that will teach you budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that works.

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Restored Lives Course

Relationship breakdown can be the hardest experience of a person’s life. No one should have to face it on their own. By joining one of our courses we hope you will become part of a local group nearby where you can feel supported. 

Food Camp

Food Camp is a four-week practical cooking course with four workshops (10:00 am–1:00 pm), where you’ll learn 8-12 budget-friendly recipes for all meals, cook together, improve your confidence, nutrition, and meal planning, and enjoy a fun, welcoming environment for all skill levels.