Kerith Farnborough
Kerith Community Pantry opens its doors
If you were at church a couple of Sundays ago you would have heard that we very recently launched our Kerith Community Pantry here in Farnborough!
“Let the little children come…”
We are in a really exciting season at church as we welcome new families to church all the time and we are seeing growth in our Kerith Kids - not just numerically, but also in how they are growing deeper with God!
Seeing what Jesus is doing!
Where is Jesus leading us in 2024? A couple of Sundays ago I preached around this question at church.
Faith as small as a mustard seed, can move mountains!
Each year at Christmas we love to support different charities in our local communities, and this year is no different. In Kerith Farnborough we are raising much needed funds for Mustard Seed Autism Trust.