Meet…Shari Barrett

“I’m really passionate about us being a beacon of light to our community, not just on Sunday, but during the week.”

If you’ve been to a Sunday meeting at Kerith Farnborough, or watched online, you’ll probably have seen Shari leading sung worship. Here’s a chance to find out a bit more about her.

“Hi, I’m Shari, married to Andy, and we have two girls; Kyra and Hope. We joined Kerith eight years ago when the Sandhurst site first launched, and it’s been great to part of the journey from Sandhurst School to the Village hotel, and now to our very own home at Kerith Farnborough.

I have the honour of being Kerith’s worship pastor. My role involves setting the worship vision for us as a community, envisioning and resourcing our site worship teams and support with One Church events.

I am really loving being with my church family in person once again, young and old, singing together, and hearing God’s word together. I’m really passionate about us being a beacon of light to our community, not just on Sunday, but during the week. The phrase that keeps coming to me is that in whatever we do… ‘All will see how great is our God’”.

Sung worship is a big part of what we do at Kerith. It's a time where we come together in unity, lifting high the name of Jesus, and declaring the goodness of God. You can always head to our YouTube channel to catch up on worship sets featuring Shari and other musicians from across Kerith. If you’d like to find out more about being part of the worship team at Farnborough, then Shari would love to speak to you, just catch her after the meeting on a Sunday.

It’s our New to Kerith event this Sunday. This is a relaxed opportunity to hear about Kerith, meet some of the team and ask any questions you may have. We’ll aim to start at 11.30am and be done by midday. If you’re coming along it would really help our planning if you could register online on the Kerith website.


Meet…Paul and Calum


New to Kerith event, and road closures this Sunday