Are you free Monday mornings?
For over 20 years Sparklers Toddler Group has had an incredible record of helping people find their way back to God. Many parents and children who were part of group have returned to church years later seeking answers to questions about life and faith- knowing we are a safe place. Many others have started their faith journeys through friendships they made during their time at Sparklers.
Nowadays very few parents are able to remain full time with their children post maternity leave so in September having lost a few key team members back to work we need new team from September to keep the Sparklers ministry up and running
Can you help?
As with all our children’s ministry groups some roles are ‘toddler facing’ but many are in the background setting up and setting down.
The morning itself runs from 9.30-11.00am in term time in our K2 building so Set up is from 8.00 onwards, all packed up by 11:30
Take a look below- is there something there you think you could help with?
Job roles for the morning include:
1.Welcoming the families / Register
2.Being a listening ear and siting and chat with mums and dads
3.Looking after craft table
4.Operating sound desk
5.Make teas and coffees
6.Helping with tidy up time ( the parents get involved too!)
7.Being part of our upfront team to Tell the story or Sing songs. Operate puppets (behind a screen)
The Team consists of men and women of all ages, and we love it that way! Please don’t discount yourself if you are not so physically able, we’d love you to be there to sit and chat to the parents!
Don’t discount yourself if you have no children… you are treasure as you are hands free!
Don’t discount yourself if you think you don’t like children… you’d be great on set up or sound desk.
Don’t discount yourself if you have things on.. come set ip for an hour.. 8-9am would be a brilliant help to the team.
Don’t discount yourself if you find the whole toddler thing a bit scary… you can hide in the kitchen and make teas and coffees.
After the toddler group we run a music event for Mums with little babies called Baby Sparks from 10.45-12.00. So if you are unable to help first thing on a Monday then the team would love your help to chat to the Mums of little ones at this event.
SO- whats your next step? Please get in touch with Jo Foster our Bracknell Children’s Co-ordinator OR Jackie Faeber the Sparklers lead on
Lets keep this legacy for the next generation of Kerith Kids and Parents!